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Showing 131 – 140 of 157
Media resource
Attitudes toward local, regional and national government, Namibia
Findings from the Round 5 survey in Namibia between 2012-2013.
Media resource
Economic issues, government policies, and youth apathy in Namibia
Findings from the Round 5 survey in Namibia between 2012-2013.
Media resource
Soutientrèsfort de la population à la démocratie. Mais, l’impunitéen constitueunemenace, décriéepar la population
Résultats du Sondage du Round 5 de Afrobaromètre au Burundi.
Media resource
Résultats de la 2ème série d’enquêtes Afrobaromètre au Burkina Faso
Résultats de la 2ème série d’enquêtes Afrobaromètre au Burkina Faso. 1e dissémination.
Media resource
Constitutional review, union matters, and executive power, Tanzania
Findings from the Round 5 survey in Tanzania in 2012.
Media resource
Les Béninois font confiance aux institutions de la République, désapprouvent la gouvernance locale et perçoivent une insecurité croissante
Résultats de la 5ème série des enquêtes Afrobaromètre au Bénin : 3ème dissémination.
Media resource
Economic conditions, lived poverty, support for democracy and elections in Zimbabwe
Findings from the Round 5 survey in Zimbabwe in 2012.
Media resource
Progress on Mkukuta: Results from the Afrobarometer Round 5 survey
Findings from the Round 5 survey in Tanzania in 2012.
Media resource
Political participation, democracy, trust in Institutions, and citizenship
Findings from the Round 5 survey in Malawi in 2012.
Media resource
Findings from the Round 5 survey in Zimbabwe
Findings from the Round 5 survey in Zimbabwe in 2012.