Past events
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Showing 21 – 30 of 52
Afrobarometer UCT Summer School 2018
Afrobarometer UCT Summer School 2018
Views of South African citizens on land redistribution
The inaugural release of Afrobarometer 2018 survey data on land reform, land redistribution and land ownership, which tracks the attitudes and perceptions of citizens in 37 African countries.
Living conditions, local governance and electricity in Guinea
Round 7 dissemination event in Guinea.
The state of selected African nations and democracy – Afrobarometer’s latest findings on Ethiopia, Uganda, Zambia & Zimbabwe.
State of the nation event.
Media Indaba Africa
Media Party Africa 2016 (now called Media Indaba Africa) brings together over 300 hacktivists and data journalists from 36 cities around the world for three days of knowledge sharing and project creation.
The 4th republic: Women’s perspective through the eyes of the Afrobarometer survey
By Dr. John Osae-Kwapong (University of Findlay).
Batswana skeptical of electronic voting but favour other electoral reforms
Botswana will hold its first dissemination event using the latest Round 7 data.
Data for Development in Africa
High Level Meeting on Data for Development in Africa
Freedom from intimidation, violence and corruption: International and national reflections ahead of Kenyan elections
Celebrating International Women’s Day: Reflections on Citizens’ Perspectives on Gender and Gender Issues in Kenya.
Citizens’ Perspectives on Gender and Gender Issues in Kenya.