Sudan has completed surveys with Afrobarometer in 2013, 2015, 2018, 2021 and 2022. Surveys are conducted in Arabic. The national partner is Sudan Polling and Statistic Center (SPSC).
Key stats
Data from the Round 9 survey in Sudan.
of South Africans are dissatisfied with the way democracy is working in their country.
of citizens say corruption in the country increased "somewhat” or “a lot” during the year preceding the survey.
of South Africans support elections as the best way to choose their leaders.
News releases

News release
Sudanese say their government is doing a poor job of promoting the well-being of vulnerable children

News release
Majority of Sudanese believe resources intended for COVID-19 response were lost to corruption

News release
Sudanese oppose the use of physical force against women, but see gender-based violence as a private matter