Namibia has completed surveys with Afrobarometer in 1999, 2003, 2006, 2008, 2012, 2014, 2017, 2019 and 2023. Surveys are conducted in English, Afrikaans and Oshiwambo. The national partner is Survey Warehouse.
Key stats
Data from the Round 9 survey in Namibia.
of Namibians say that school-age children in their community are often not in school.
of citizens believe that “some” or “a lot” of the resources intended for the response to COVID-19 were lost to corruption.
of Namibians see domestic violence as a criminal matter that requires the involvement of law enforcement agencies.

AD902: Namibians head for elections with confidence in the freedom of their press

AD897: In Namibia, trust in National Assembly sinks to new low, along with performance ratings

AD880: Namibians support equal access to jobs but say more needs to be done to protect women and girls from discrimination and harassment
News releases

News release
Many Namibians go without medical care, lament government’s performance on improving services, Afrobarometer study reveals

News release
Most Namibians lack health insurance; citizens say government should ensure access to adequate health care for all

News release
Food insecurity on the rise in Namibia, recent Afrobarometer study shows