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Zimbabweans score their government poorly on job creation and other priority problems, Afrobarometer survey shows

25 Oct 2024 Zimbabwe
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Key findings
  • Unemployment outranks other issues as the country’s most important problem that citizens want their government to address, cited by 45% of respondents as one of their three priorities (Figure 1). o Food shortage/famine (32%), health (31%), education (21%), water supply (20%), corruption (20%), and management of the economy (19%) follow closely behind.
  • Large majorities of citizens say the government is performing “fairly badly” or “very badly” on creating jobs (91%), narrowing gaps between rich and poor (81%), improving the living standards of the poor (80%), keeping prices stable (78%), fighting corruption (77%), providing water and sanitation services (70%), managing the economy (68%), addressing educational needs (61%), and improving basic health services (61%) (Figure 2). o While men and women are equally likely to say government is performing poorly on managing the economy, youth (71%), urbanites (72%), the poor (80%), and degree holders (80%) are more likely than their older, rural, well-off, and more educated counterparts to say the same (Figure 3). o Negative assessments of the government’s performance on creating jobs increase with respondents’ level of education, ranging from 88% among those with primary education or less to 95% among those with post-secondary qualifications. They also increase with respondents’ experience of lived poverty, ranging from 85% among the wealthy to 95% among the poor (Figure 4). o Residents of Bulawayo/Mat South/Mat North (76%) are most likely to disapprove of the government’s performance on improving basic health services (Figure 5).

Unemployment is the most important problem that Zimbabweans want their government to  address, a new Afrobarometer survey indicates.  

Citizens’ other top priorities are food shortage/famine, health, education, water supply,  corruption, and management of the economy. 

Large majorities of citizens lament the government’s performance on these priority problems,  the survey shows.