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Zimbabweans divided on president’s performance, Afrobarometer survey shows

17 Jan 2025 Zimbabwe
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Key findings
  • About half of Zimbabweans say they “approve” (27%) or “strongly approve” (20%) of the president’s performance over the past year (Figure 1). o A similar proportion “disapprove” (23%) or “strongly disapprove” (22%) of his performance.
  • Less than half say the government is doing “fairly well” or “very well” in improving basic health services (38%), addressing educational needs (38%), and maintaining roads and bridges (35%) (Figure 2). o About three in 10 approve of government’s effort in providing water and sanitation services (30%) and a reliable supply of electricity (27%).
  • Only three in 10 citizens (30%) say the government is managing the economy “fairly well” or “very well” (Figure 3). o Fewer than one-fourth of respondents give positive ratings on the government’s performance in keeping prices stable (22%), improving living standards of the poor (19%), narrowing gaps between the rich and the poor (15%), and creating jobs (9%).

Zimbabweans are about evenly divided in their assessments of President Emmerson  Mnangagwa’s performance over the past year, the latest Afrobarometer survey shows.  

The study finds widespread dissatisfaction with the government’s performance on managing the economy, stabilising prices, improving living standards, narrowing income gaps, and  creating jobs. 

Citizens’ assessments are somewhat less negative regarding the government’s efforts in  delivering essential public services such as health care, education, and roads.