- About four in 10 Tanzanians (38%) are aware of climate change, a 6-percentage point increase from the 2022 survey (32%) (Figure 1). o Awareness varies across education levels: Respondents with post-secondary education are four times as likely as those lacking formal education to have heard about climate change (76% vs. 19%) (Figure 2). o Urban residents (48%) and men (43%) are more likely to be aware of climate change than their rural counterparts (31%) and women (32%).
- Among Tanzanians who are aware of climate change: o Three-fourths (76%) believe human activities are the primary cause of climate change, while about one-fifth (18%) attribute it to natural processes (Figure 3). o Eight in 10 (80%) believe climate change is making life in Tanzania “somewhat worse” or “much worse” (Figure 4). o About four-fifths (82%) “agree” or “strongly agree” that the Tanzanian government must act immediately to limit climate change, even if it entails high costs, job losses, or economic challenges (Figure 5). o Significant majorities say wealthy or developed countries should take steps now to limit future climate change (89%) and should provide climate aid to Tanzania to help the country adapt (88%).
Most Tanzanians who are aware of climate change believe that wealthy or developed countries should take steps now to limit climate change in the future, even if it is costly for those countries, the latest Afrobarometer survey shows.
A similarly large majority believe that rich countries most responsible for causing climate change should provide climate aid to Tanzania to help it adapt. Tanzanians also believe that the government must act immediately to limit climate change, even if this entails high costs, job losses, or economic challenges.
Awareness of climate change among Tanzanians has risen modestly since 2022, but a majority still have not heard of the concept. Awareness varies across education levels: Those with post-secondary education are four times as likely as those lacking formal schooling to exhibit awareness.
A large portion of those who know about climate change report that it is making life in the country worse.
The survey also shows that a significant majority of climate-aware Tanzanians believe that human activities are the primary cause of climate change.