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Request for bids: Afrobarometer National Partner in Mozambique to conduct an Afrobarometer Round 10 Survey

1 Oct 2024
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Applications close: 16 October 2024

Afrobarometer is inviting bids from organisations interested in serving as the National  Partner (NP) for Mozambique. Under Afrobarometer’s direction, the selected NP will  conduct a nationally representative sample survey of the adult population of  Mozambique. In addition to conducting the Afrobarometer survey and related results  dissemination activities, the successful bidder will act as the representative of  Afrobarometer in Mozambique for the duration of the partnership and will be eligible  to participate in Afrobarometer meetings, workshops, and other capacity building  and management activities.  


Afrobarometer conducts a comparative series of public attitude surveys covering  approximately 38 countries in each two-year “round.” Round 10 surveys will take  place during 2024 and 2025. Based on representative national samples, the surveys  measure citizen attitudes to democracy and governance, markets and civil society,  and a range of related topics. The surveys are repeated on a regular basis to allow  comparisons over time and across space. 

Afrobarometer, a pan-African, non-partisan survey research network headquartered  in Accra, Ghana, is dedicated to three main objectives: 

  • to produce scientifically reliable data on public opinion in Africa. 
  • to broadly disseminate and apply survey results. 
  • to build institutional capacity for survey research in Africa. 

Afrobarometer surveys are implemented by a consortium of independent survey  research institutions based mainly in Africa, comprising:  

  • Core Partners that provide leadership to the Network and technical assistance to NPs  on survey management, research design, fundraising, publication, and the  dissemination of survey results. 
  • National Partners in each participating country that are responsible for survey  fieldwork and dissemination of survey results at the country level. 
  • Support Units that provide technical and capacity building support to the Network. 

The results of Afrobarometer surveys are disseminated widely to inform the public  debate about democracy, governance, and other policy and development issues.  We seek to reach diverse audiences, including decision makers in and out of  government, policy advocates and civic educators, journalists, researchers, funding agencies and investors, as well as average Africans who wish to become better  informed. 

Further information on Afrobarometer can be found at

Purpose of this request for bids 

Afrobarometer is currently seeking a National Partner in Mozambique to implement  the Round 10 survey with sample size n=1,200 in the country in 2024/2025. At  Afrobarometer’s discretion, after formal evaluation of the National Partner’s  performance in this round, and subject to the availability of funds for additional  surveys, this partnership may be renewed for up to two additional rounds (Round 11,  estimated implementation 2026-2027, and Round 12, estimated implementation 2028- 2029). Successful applicants will enjoy the benefits of partnership with a network that is  regarded as a premier provider of public opinion data in Africa. Membership in the  Afrobarometer Network offers opportunities for new partnerships with like-minded  organisations across the continent, national and international publication of findings  and analysis, and training and capacity building opportunities in survey design and  implementation, quantitative analysis, communications, and related skills. 

All Afrobarometer surveys are implemented strictly according to the protocols  outlined in the latest version of the Afrobarometer Survey Manual, which can be  found at Interested  organisations are advised to carefully review the latest (Round 9) Afrobarometer  Survey Manual prior to submitting their bids, as it outlines the full scope of our  protocols, practices, and expectations of partner organisations. In particular, this  includes protocols regarding: 

  • sample design 
  • questionnaire development and translation 
  • fieldworker recruitment 
  • fieldworker training and questionnaire pre-testing 
  • data collection and fieldwork quality control 
  • data cleaning and management 
  • analysis and dissemination of results 

National Partner responsibilities 

In close consultation at every stage with the supervising Afrobarometer Core Partner,  and in accordance with the Network’s protocols, the successful Afrobarometer  National Partner will be expected to conduct a nationally representative survey in  Mozambique with sample size of n=1,200. This will include performing the following  duties: 

  • Identify and access census databases required for designing a nationally  representative sample, and work in conjunction with the Afrobarometer  sampling specialist and national statistics office to draw the sample and to  procure maps and other materials necessary for implementation of the survey; 
  • Indigenise the generic Afrobarometer questionnaire to suit local settings, work  with Afrobarometer surveys and communications teams to develop country specific questions to be included in the questionnaire, and translate the  questionnaire into Portuguese and other relevant local language(s) according  to Afrobarometer protocols; 
  • Solicit a sufficient number of tablets for fieldwork that satisfy the specifications  outlined in the Afrobarometer Survey Manual; 
  • Recruit fieldworkers with required qualifications and appropriate language  and fieldwork skills and train them to collect data from households using  tablets;
  • Select and train field supervisors to monitor fieldwork and oversee fieldwork  quality control; 
  • Pre-test and make agreed modifications to the questionnaire; 
  • Develop a survey logistics plan; 
  • Manage all aspects of fieldwork in strict accordance with a timetable  developed in consultation with Afrobarometer; 
  • Ensure quality control of data collection in the field; 
  • Prepare reports on sampling and fieldwork methodology; 
  • Contribute to the preparation of a Summary of Results in conjunction with  Afrobarometer technical advisers; 
  • Prepare basic analyses of key findings; 
  • Plan and execute, with Network technical support, an effective communications programme that includes a stakeholder analysis, public  dissemination events, published papers, press releases, and social media  support to disseminate survey findings to media, the NGO community,  government officials, legislators, the funder and diplomatic community, and  other identified stakeholders.


Bids should include the following: 

  • A description of the personnel to be used on the survey. Please list the  qualifications and experience of each class of personnel and provide curricula vitae of the principal investigator and any other senior management personnel,  including the person(s) responsible for sampling and data management. Also  include the planned number and qualifications of field interviewers and field  supervisors.  
  • A detailed description of the survey experience (with supporting documentation if possible) of the proposing organisation and lead researchers,  especially in conducting surveys involving nationally representative samples.
  • A description of proposed approaches for a) fieldwork training and b)  fieldwork implementation and supervision, including quality control measures to  be implemented at each stage. 
  • An estimated budget showing costs for each of the following elements: a. Personnel: name, position, number of days, and daily rates (for principal  investigator, field supervisors, fieldworkers, drivers, and any other specialists, such as translators and sampler).
  • Travel: vehicle rental (cost per day), bus or boat tickets (where applicable), fuel (estimated mileage), lodging (number of days and daily rates), meals/per diem (number of days and rates), insurance (required).
  • Supplies and services: printing, office supplies, field supplies, maps, etc. d. Other direct costs: training, maps, venue hire, translations, etc. 
  • Demonstration of the analytical and writing skills of the researcher(s) who will  participate in preparation of survey publications based on survey findings.
  • Demonstration of the organisation’s communications capacity, including its  ability to engage with media, the public, and other stakeholders and potential  users of the data, and to coordinate and host effective public dissemination  events. 
  • Demonstration of the organisation’s language capacity, including its ability to  speak and write in English. 

Submission of bids  

The deadline for submission of bids is close of business on 16 October 2024. Bids should be delivered in English by e-mail to: 

Preston Govindasamy, Afrobarometer Surveys Manager (Southern Africa), Institute for Justice and Reconciliation. Email: 


Stephen Ndoma, Afrobarometer Assistant Surveys Manager (Southern Africa), Institute  for Justice and Reconciliation. E-mail: 

Questions and requests for additional information can also be directed to  Preston Govindasamy

Applicants can also visit for more information.