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News release

Nearly half of Angolans experienced high lived poverty in the past year; most report worsening economic conditions

14 Oct 2024 Angola
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News release
Key findings
  • Only one-fifth (20%) of Angolans say the country’s economic condition has improved compared to 12 months ago, while 63% say it has worsened (Figure 1).
  • Residents of Luanda (33%) and the Eastern region (21%) are more likely to see economic improvement than those in other parts of the country (Figure 2).
  • Nearly half (46%) of citizens experienced high levels of lived poverty during the past year, an 11-percentage-point increase compared to 2019 (35%) (Figure 3).
  • High lived poverty was almost twice as common in rural areas as in cities (65% vs. 36%). It was particularly widespread in the Eastern region (64%) and in Huíla province (56%) (Figure 4).
  • About half (49%) of residents in the Eastern region report going without enough food to eat “many times” or “always” during the past year, followed by more than one third of rural residents (37%) and inhabitants of the Northern (36%) and Southern (35%) regions and Huíla province (39%) (Figure 5).

Most Angolans say the country’s economic condition has worsened compared to 12  months ago, while only one-fifth see an improvement, the most recent Afrobarometer  survey shows.  

Nearly half of citizens experienced high levels of lived poverty during the past year, a  substantial increase compared to 2019. 

Rural residents are more likely than their urban counterparts to report experiencing high lived  poverty and food insecurity.