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News release

Majority of Ugandans applaud government’s efforts in promoting women rights but want to see more

3 Oct 2024 Uganda
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News release
Key findings
  • A clear majority (82%) of Ugandans believe that the government has performed “fairly well” or “very well” in promoting equal rights and opportunities for women (Figure 1). o But 56% say it needs to do more to ensure gender equality (Figure 2).
  • About seven in 10 citizens (69%) support equal rights for women to inherit and own land (Figure 3).
  • More than three-quarters (78%) of the respondents say that women today have the same employment opportunities as men (Figure 4).
  • Gender-based violence ranks as the most important women’s-rights problem that Ugandans say their government and society must address (Figure 5).

Most Ugandans believe that the government has performed well in promoting equal rights  and opportunities for women but needs to do more, according to Afrobarometer survey  findings. 

The survey also shows that a majority of Ugandans endorse gender equality in land  ownership and think that women today have the employment opportunities as men. 

Gender-based violence ranks as the most important women’s-rights issue that government  and society must address.