- Eight out of 10 Liberians (80%) say pollution is a “somewhat serious” or “very serious” problem in their community.
- Citizens cite trash disposal (31%), sanitation (27%), air pollution (16%), and pollution of water sources (15%) as the most important environmental issues in their community.
- More than eight in 10 citizens (82%) say plastic bags are a major source of pollution in Liberia.
- Almost half (46%) of Liberians say the primary responsibility for reducing pollution and keeping communities clean rests with ordinary citizens. About the same proportion assign this responsibility to their national (34%) or local (13%) governments.
- A large majority (80%) of citizens give the government a poor rating for its performance in reducing pollution and protecting the environment. Urban residents, economically better-off citizens, and those with higher education are particularly likely to be critical of the government’s efforts.
A large majority of Liberians say pollution is a serious problem facing their communities and needs greater attention from the government, the latest Afrobarometer survey shows.
Citizens identify trash disposal, sanitation or human waste management, and air and water pollution as the most important environmental issues in their communities.
While close to half say ordinary citizens have the primary responsibility for reducing pollution and keeping communities clean, an equal proportion assign this task to their national and local governments.
Strong majorities give the government a gloomy rating for its performance on reducing pollution and protecting the environment.