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Election of MMDCEs and other aspects of local governance: What do Ghanaians say?

27 Feb 2018 Ghana
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Evidence from Afrobarometer Round 7 survey in Ghana in 2018.

At a glance

  • Election of MMDCEs: More than two-thirds (69%) of Ghanaians “strongly agree” or “agree” that metropolitan, municipal, and district chief executives (MMDCEs) should be elected by voters in the local authority area.
  • Trust in local government officials: Trust in local government councillors has increased by 12 percentage points since 2014 but remains 7 percentage points lower, compared to 2005.
  • Citizens’ engagement with local government officials: Most Ghanaians (from 59% to 87%) never contacted their formal and informal leaders about some important problem or to offer their opinions during the past year.
  • Elected leaders listening to citizens: A majority of respondents say their local government councillors (65%) and MPs (75%) “never” or “only sometimes” listen to what their constituents have to say.
  • Ensuring accountable local governance: The level of citizen acceptance of responsibility to ensure accountable local governance (i.e. voters ensuring local leaders do their jobs) has increased by 14 percentage points since 2005.