- Only one in five Angolans (21%) say they trust the National Electoral Commission (CNE) “somewhat” or “a lot,” a 6-percentage-point decline compared to 2019 (Figure 1).
- Levels of trust are higher among men (25% vs. 17% of women) and among older respondents (34% of those aged 46 and over vs. 17%-19% of 18- to 35-year-olds) (Figure 2). Citizens in rural areas (27%) also express greater trust than those in urban areas (18%), as do citizens with primary or no formal education (26%-27%) compared to those with secondary or post-secondary qualifications (17%-19%). Only 14% of residents in the Luanda Province say they trust the commission.
- About half (48%) of Angolans say the electoral commission exercises its function in a neutral manner, while close to one-third (32%) think it favours particular groups (Figure 3).
- The perception of the electoral commission as a neutral body increases with respondents’ education level, ranging from just 37% of those with no formal schooling to 56% of those with post-secondary qualifications (Figure 4).
As Angolans approach general elections in August, only one in five citizens say they trust the National Electoral Commission, a new Afrobarometer survey shows.
While about half of Angolans say the commission does its job in a neutral fashion, trust in the election management body has declined from already low levels recorded three years ago.
Angola will conduct its fourth peacetime general election in August. The first three elections, which the Movimento Popular de Libertação de Angola (MPLA) won by significant majorities, were marred by suspicions of electoral fraud involving the National Electoral Commission.
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